1/1/96 7:10 |
Phoenix, AZ |
4 adults see 4 lights move erratically for 35 min. Then
5 silent boomerang ships w/ glowing silver underbellies fly by in V formation! |
1/2/96 1:30 |
Scottsdale, WA |
Mother of UFO investigator repts. witnessing 2 very bright,
yellowish balls of light over McDowell Mtns to N of city. 20 deg. up. |
1/3/96 15:30 |
Kelso, WA |
Man, daughter witness peculiar bright white, round light
hovering in N sky. Obj. rises, turns, and becomes elongate, disappears. |
1/3/96 18:15 |
Ft. Smith, AR |
Man taking out trash, sees 3 greenish-yellow balls of light
dip down out of clouds, hover, go back up. Many other obervers, reports. |
1/5/96 1:30 |
Round Lake, IL |
Woman sees 2 solid red lights move across sky, maneuvering,
"mimicking one another." Stop, become green; 1 disappears, then
2nd. |
1/5/96 22:00 |
E. Greenville, PA |
Woman, and 2 neighbors, witness a large, white light, which
approaches them. Becomes gold, w/ windows, each a different color. |
1/7/96 7:00 |
Portland, OR |
Couple witness 2-3 dozen points of light overhead moving
SE to NW. 5 min. later, they are seen going SE. Moved sporadically. |
1/8/96 21:20 |
Wenatchee, WA |
Radio personality goes out to car, sees 3 "golden globes
of light" moving NNW to SSW. Each ascends vert. Other witnesses. |
1/9/96 4:45 |
Rockville, MD |
Woman awakened by a bizarre sound, "like a broken lawn
mower." Sees a bizarre, elongate obj. w/ bright lights on both ends,
middle. |
1/11/96 |
Woodinville, WA |
UFO investigator observes brilliantly bright, yellow, round
ball of light traveling very fast to the north. Faded, or winked out. |
1/12/96 21:40 |
Latour, MO |
Woman and daughter witness a very bright obj. in sky, then
a 2nd bizarre, oval-shaped red light. Red light "explodes" into
fragments. |
1/13/96 |
Springfield, MO |
MO Hwy. Patrol relays repts.: Over 60 reports of UFO's made
to law enforcement agencies on evenings of 13JA96 and 14JA96. |
1/13/96 20:22 |
Osage Beach, MO |
MO Hwy. Patrol relays repts.: Citizen reptd. a very bright
light, size of coin at arm's length, streaks overhead. Very bright,silent. |
1/14/96 6:05 |
Charleston, SC |
Two men witnessed a large, white plume in the morning sky.
(May have been Delta rocket launched from Cape Kennedy at 0600 hrs.) |
1/16/96 7:40 |
Seattle, WA |
Woman opens curtains on 2nd floor of home, sees multiple
bizarre designs, or "letters" pressed precisely into layer of
snow on deck. |
1/16/96 22:32 |
Monitor, WA |
Husband & wife, other observers, see 3 gold spheres,
3' in diam., fly slowly W to E above Wenatchee R., then 3 more! Fly over
E horiz.. |
1/16/96 22:32 |
Monitor, WA |
Chelan Co. Sheriff's Office calls to relay a report of several
bright, orange lights moving east above the Wenatchee River. |
1/18/96 6:30 |
Fayetteville, AR |
Woman & husband witness double, parallel columns of
light going straight up into the sky. The source of light was in rural
area. |
1/20/96 22:00 |
Madison, WI |
Anonymous caller reports seeing a cigar-shaped craft, with
"8 dim blue and red lights" along its length. (No other details
provided.) |
1/25/96 15:04 |
Bartlett, TN |
Woman observes two "aircraft," then realizes that
one is a cluster of "slivers of metal in the sky." Objs. hover,
maneuver, disappear. |
1/25/96 21:15 |
Redding, CA |
Young boy reports being witness to the strange obj. reported
by others over Redding. Obj. was circular, w/ no lights, not an aircraft. |
1/26/96 23:59 |
Sedgewick, ME |
Woman w/ husband witness a white orb, larger than (apparent)
size of moon, w/ "orange dots imbedded in it." Obj. streaks off. |
1/28/96 |
Chandler, AZ |
Serious-minded woman calls to report vivid vision of "aliens"
during prior night. Awakes in a.m. w/ several bizarre phy. anomalies. |
1/30/96 |
Oregon City, OR |
UFO investigator relays sighting report: 2 women witness
2 very bright lights 25 deg. above horizon, 3rd similar obj. approaches
both. |